St. Luke’s Healing Chapel
Dream it.
As so often happens, a conversation about changing the altar linen in the chapel led to a series of “what if” we changed this and “what if” we added that. This led to a discussion by the Vestry and approval to move ahead with a chapel renovation. This approval further noted the funding would come from designated gifts to a newly created Chapel Renovation fund. Early efforts in assembling funds for this project included the sale of wooden art pieces crafted by Fr. Gordon Temple. This was particularly meaningful, as Fr Gordon held healing services each week in the chapel and his healing ministry was a blessing to many in our parish.
Build it.
John Hutton agreed to lead the construction project and began the demolition of the existing chapel in March 2024. Others who helped in various stages of the construction were: Ed Virgin, Larry Roddy, Jack Holloway, Scott Shaw, Ken Aupperle, Bob Combs, DeeDee Hutton, and Jeanie Rodgers.
Perhaps the biggest challenge of the project was removing the exterior door and creating a space for a stained-glass window. This window would be the focal point of the chapel and would honor St Luke, the Physician, and his ministry of healing. Summer Harrison, a stained-glass artist with Reflections Gallery in Chattanooga, was consigned to create the window. Using an image found on a search of St Luke as inspiration, Summer created the St Luke image that would come to life as our window.
Use it.
Fast forward to June 2nd, 2024 when Bishop Brian Cole visited St Martin’s and blessed our new chapel space and stained-glass window. This sacred space also contains a votive light stand where parishioners can light a candle and offer prayers, and several intricately carved crosses Fr Gordon made especially for the chapel.
None of this would have been possible without the generous donations of parishioners who collectively raised over $15,000 to fund this project. Additionally, others made gifts of furnishings, time and talent. We feel this chapel is a wonderful addition to our church and offers a sacred space for prayers of healing. We invite everyone to Come and See, light a candle, and receive a blessing.
Chapel Dedicated and Blessed June 2, 2024, followed by a reception.